Short Story

Hello. Here’s a short story I wrote in high school (probably 2008 or 2009).


The Missing Soul: A Story of Barack Obama

Within the cave of Harsh Interrogation (NOT torture), around a kindling fire and the Magical Puddle of Petroleum, the Maverick Force Five – consisting of Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, and John McCain – seek the truth. As they peer into the Magical Puddle of Petroleum, and image becomes clear: An African-American man standing on the Oval Office rug.

“This is outrageous!” exclaimed Rush Limbaugh. “Hmmm, he must be Muslim” Bill O’Reilly announced.

They knew something must be done to stop this. Even though the man in the image was currently only 12 years old. The Maverick Force Five sent in The Decider to do the dirty work.

“O.K., lets review once again, I don’t want you to get confused in there,” Sarah Palin said. “You’re going to sneak in and steal his soul. Do you understand?”

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Mmmm, Sprawl

Sprawl is a problem. Sometimes called “Urban Sprawl” and sometimes called “Suburban Sprawl”. There are a few types of urban sprawl, but we know it best as low-density residential communities on the edge of urban areas [1]. This recent article from The Atlantic Cities quantifies the high costs of sprawl.

Compact development costs, on average, 38 percent less in up-front infrastructure than “conventional suburban development” for things like roads, sewers and water lines. It costs 10 percent less in ongoing service delivery by reducing the distances law enforcement or garbage trucks must travel to serve residents (well-connected street grids cut down on this travel time, too).[2]

It’s a huge problem, and being mostly minimalist and against consumerism myself, I don’t understand why Americans think they need all of that space. I grew up in various suburbs and it sucked. To get to what little community events there are you have to hop in a four wheeled petrol-guzzling machine. The four to eight lane roads are bordered with chain restaurant after chain restaurant. If you walk or bike somewhere people think you are out of your mind. Continue reading →


Here is a list of the types of information you will find at

  • Transportation! Related specifically to bicycles and public transportation
  • Food! Everything from personal recipes to local and global food issues
  • Sustainability! If we kill all the humans, we can save the forest…
  • Sex and gender issues in the U.S. and abroad
  • Issues related to secularism, atheism, skepticism, and freethought
  • Government! As a Public Management major, I’ve learned more about government than I’d like.